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Price is including VAT, orders of multiple items can be discounted. Each item is manufactured by hand. We can make products with custom sizes, colours or materials. Enquire or send us a mail to ask for a custom price or design. Products are made with care, but can vary from item to item. Read our Care Instruction to find out how to keep your product in good shape. After enquiry we will contact you to confirm order and provide planning and payment details. Payment can be done by EFT or Pay Today app. Small items within Windhoek are delivered free of charge. Please provide a delivery address with your order for us to provide estimated delivery costs for larger items. Standard terms and conditions apply

Old school

Dining table

Old school Dining table/products/old-school-dining-table/

Kiaat top and tapered Kiaat legs, coated in transparent matte varnish, 75cm high

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